On creativity, anxiety + life
7 Uncommon Tips to Keep a Creative Habit
I’m an expert at starting new habits, but I’m also an expert at quitting them. But something has changed this time around.
Art Goals for Lockdown in 2020
It’s 2020, which means we are in isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, so here are my plans for art-making while in lockdown.
Hindsight + Insight = 2020 Vision
A new year, a new decade and a unique chance to reflect. My life doesn’t look as I’d expected it to, but I’ve learnt some important things along the way to help me through the next decade and beyond.
How Instagram Saved My Life
Instagram was in its early days when I was first diagnosed with depression. While I was unable to function, a dear friend introduced me to the platform and it changed my life.
Pursuing Creativity in the Midst of Anxiety
The only way to combat my fear was to combat my disdain. Ideally, the outcome would be leading a life of art and creativity.
Postcode 3000: Melbourne CBD
By the time I'd started sketching, the place had almost emptied of all its lunch crowd. This was fine with me because I was far too self-conscious to draw in public.